Vilankulo Tour Guide

Vilankulo Tour Guide

Guide Useful Information

Walking: Although generally safe, it is safer to avoid walking alone, particularly at night. It is advised to avoid dark and deserted areas
Health Precautions
We are all aware that basic hygiene is important. Please ensure that;
  • Make sure you are following the protocol of COVID 19
  • You wash your hands before meals
  • Reliable drinks are consumed. Choose bottled mineral water, or similarly reliable packaged/served drinks
  • An insect repellent sprayed on exposed skin to prevent potential mosquito bites which may lead to malaria
  • If you have any concerns relating to your health, please tell your tour guide. He/she will take you to the local pharmacy or clinic for professional care and attention
On the Beach: Do NOT leave your belongings unattended.
On the Ocean
  • That your boat is equipped with life jackets before you set sail
  • Confirm that you are sailing with a registered and legal operator
Culture and Dress Code Culture and Dress Code

In Mozambique we possess a unique combination of African, Arabic and Portuguese cultures. Please understand and respect that there exists a certain degree of conservative attitude toward dress; when visiting a local community on a tour, or visiting community leaders, as well as home-stays, women at asked to avoid very short skirts, tank-tops/halters,(keep shoulders covered) and men are to wear shirts.

Street kids and petty theft Street kids and petty theft

Although many tourists are tempted to do so, please do not give money to children, unless an act of service was provided. Merely giving money to children who ask, builds dependency, as well as delinquency among the street children and it is not accepted within the wider social circle. .. It is however customary to give a coin to the elderly and destitute.

Shopping Shopping

Fresh products are always available in the markets area from about 8h00 to 18h00, for groceries we have the TAURUS supermarket, Vilankulo Supermarket and Where houses, open from 7h00 to 18h00. You can also shop at local communities and other shops with the assistance of your tour guide. .

Telephone and Internet Telephone and Internet

There is a TDM Centre for the telephone network, and mobile phone service providers; MCel, Vodacom and Movitel.
Wireless or LAN internet access is available at the majority of hotels/resorts and lodges in Vilankulo. If not, a visit to the INTERNET CAFE for internet access and a cup of coffee, or lunch.

Banks and Foreign Exchange Banks and Foreign Exchange

The majority of hotels and resorts accept SA Rand, US Dollars or Mozambique Meticais.
There are 3 Banks located in Vilankulo, near the town entrance; by Eduardo Mondlane Avenue there is the BCI and ABSA, and BIM Millennium near Mucoque village on the way to the Harbour and the Hotel Dona Ana. They are open from 8h00 to 15h00 on weekdays and 9h00 to 12h00 on Saturday.
Currency Exchange:
Rands, US$, Euros and pounds can be exchanged at the Banks. Rands and US$ can be exchanged at the market after normal hours of the banks. It is important to have an idea of the current rates, to avoid being taken advantage of.
Credit Cards:
All the banks have ATMs that will accept Visa and Master Card, there is also an ATM next to the Old Supermarket, Group SEA about a 60m from the Old Market before Handling.

Enjoy Your Stay....

Culture and Dress Code Local Fishing Tour

Fishing in Vilankulo is one of major activity which is Combined with agriculture, everything that vilankulo is today came by fishing as this is the activity that invited lots of people to come. As the legend lay out the historical of our ancestor.
The Zivane’s family won their victory of war because of their powerful skills of the sea , understanding and knowing how to fish, so through that behavior you can learn lots and lots about our ancestors and the culture of Fishing.

Street kids and petty theft Home Stay Tour

This is the most exciting and enjoyable experience you can make in Vilankulo. As you know Inhambane is a land of good people, therefore Vilankulo is a party of it, special with their smile of welcome and goodbye, as well as the hospitality, that lots of people come and go back without getting because they never visited the local Community.
Here you really fell the true Vilankulo, by learning how the cook the local dishes, the life style, the costumes, culture, tradition and other things.

Shopping Nhaukati Village Tour

Nhaukati is one of the very indeed traditional lagoon, where since it existence was transformed by the Elders and community leaders as a special lagoon for purification. Nhaukate Lagoon always was used for Emotional and Social Problems Like Marriage, Work and so on.

Banks and Foreign Exchange Vilankulo walking Town Tour

Vilankulo in oval is such of a nice place to be and this place is one of Tourism destination in the World. Is very wonderful to go through to the Historical spots by the Town, visiting lots of places including Markets and Shops where you can buy local handmade.

Shopping Chibuene Historical & Archaeological site Spot Tour

Chibuene is located in Vilankulo, just right by the Indian Ocean with very indeed beautiful sea View. About 5km from the centre towin of Vilankulo and 50km from Manyikeni.
The Archaeological site of Chibuene has a structure quite remarkable. At the station copies of works of Islamic glazed ware from the Persian Gulf which was Dated to the first half of the first millennium where were found. The station has been continuously occupied until the present. Its discovery enriched the data on the original of a long distance trading post and contact with World of Mozambique .

Banks and Foreign Exchange Manyikeni Historical & Archaeological Site Spot Tour

Manyikeni is located in Vilankulo about 440km Southwest of Great Zimbabwe Centre, West of Vilankulo Towin Centre and about 50km from the Indian Ocean coast where Chibuene is located. The station is regional Centre of Great Zimbabwe tradition and Chibuene site, of the second millennium. The archaeological site is formed by a wall and surrounding settlements.